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Laurence Candles
Glass Altar and Devotional Candles (made in USA)
Returnable (refillable) Glass candles are available in three sizes and three common colors. These are designed for aesthetic appearance with a handsome embossed cross, and for safety/stability. The returnable glass is perfect for today's environmental requirements. The candles have a long-burning wick that sheds a beautiful warm light for any usage.

Laurence Candles
PVC Altar and Devotional Candles (made in USA)
Plastic candles available in three sizes and three common colors. These are designed for aesthetic appearance with a handsome embossed cross, and for safety/stability. The refillable candle insert is perfect for today's environmental requirements. The candles have a long-burning wick that sheds a beautiful warm light for any usage.

Altar Bread
Laurence Church Supply is one of the largest distributors of "Cavanagh Altar Breads". Cavanagh Altar breads have a world wide reputation for the highest quality, liturgically approved hosts. Their superior baking process guarantees no crumbs and vacuum sealed packaging guarantees complete freshness.

Altar Server Garments
Alter Server Deluxe, Flax, and Polyester Blended Albs

Altar Wine
Altar Wines and Grape Juice

Candle Lighters
Various Candle Lighters/Snuffers manufactured by Sudbury Brass Goods, Inc.

A wide range of small and large diameter candles.


Communion trays
A wide range of communion trays with matching base.

Communion tray covers
A wide range of communion tray covers.

Communion Cups

Stackable Bread Trays
A wide range of stackable bread trays with base.


Ciboria sets


A wide range of incense and charcoal items

Lighting Tapers

Candle Accessories

Wax Remover