Laurence Church Supplies


Palm Altar Decor | Date Palm | bag of 4


SKU: palmdate Categories: ,

Palm fronds are perfect for any type of arrangement. Clean and easy to arrange, each bag of Date Palm includes four, unstripped palm fronds, 24″ to 36″ in height.

Most importantly, keep cool, 45-50 degrees, and do not freeze
To keep your palm strips fresh, do NOT open the plastic bags until you are ready to hand the palm strips out to the congregation.
Keep sealed bags in a cool area. A florist, restaurant or convenience store may have a large refrigerated space you can store the palms in until Palm Sunday.
If you are not refrigerating your palms, you should open each box and take three or four UNOPENED plastic bags of palm out of the box. This is because when palms are enclosed in plastic and packed, heat may begin to build up in the box between the plastic bags. Any perishable plant material will begin to break down in the presence of heat.
By taking the bags out of the boxes, you allow air to circulate more freely around the bags left in the box, which keeps the palms cooler and fresher.

Manufacturer: Palm Gardens

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