Laurence Church Supplies


Root 2024 #70 Eternal Covenant Paschal Candle


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The Paschal Candle is one of the most sacred and enduring symbols of the Light of Christ, dating to the earliest days of Christianity. Made of beeswax to represent the purity of Christ, the candle’s wick signifies Christ’s humanity and the flame His Divine Nature. With this sacred tradition, Root Candles takes great care in handcrafting our made-to-order Paschal Candles in Medina, Ohio.

1 John 5:13-14

This ornate cross serves as a triumphant reminder of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday, conquering death with the promise of eternal life in Christ.

We recommend matching Altar Candle Green (GR) and Green Nails.

The main color of this Paschal Candle is Dark Green.

Manufacturer: Root